Friday, September 5, 2014

Real Love

In the past, I have resented many people in my life for not loving me. 

What I have learned in recovery is that it wasn't people. People did and do love me. I, meanwhile, had developed a false belief system when it came to love. 

At some point, in a chaotic and tumultuous upbringing, I came to misunderstand what love is, what love looks like, and how to love others. This made it impossible for me to receive and give real love. 

This post may be a little premature, as I am still learning what real love looks like. Here are a few things I know now... 

Real love is the same love that God had for us when he sent his son to in to the world. Real love is the same love that Jesus had for us when he went to the cross. Real love is the same love that causes the Holy Spirit to dwell in us and intercede for us. 

Real love is not earned. Real love is not achieved. Real love doesn't cost anything. Real love doesn't hurt. 

Real love comes from the father, son and Holy Spirit. We can't give or receive real love to and from other people unless it's filtered first through the Godhead. To love and receive love apart from the trinity will result in idolatry in our hearts.

I share this post because I see others struggling with aches. I, too, know that ache. Maybe you also have that emptiness, that desire, that gap in your heart. You might have tried lots of things searching for relief; drugs, alcohol, sex, people approval. 

The only cure comes so simple, receiving the real love that has come to us through salvation. 

We don't have to do anything, be anything, give anything, tolerate anything... We need only to accept Jesus as our savior and he will provide everything we  need for the gaps. Just accept his real love.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16 ESV)

A grateful believer in Jesus Christ,

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