Thursday, March 28, 2013

Blessings and testings...

I have to say, for having a large family to provide for, we are blessed to live fairly comfortable. By comfortable, I mean our bills are paid and we don't have to worry about our needs if we are responsible with our money. I have to admit, I am not always the most responsible.

With Easter coming up and so many extra's to purchase, I was getting a little concerned this week. I prayed a lot, knowing God always provides. This morning I woke up financially worried. I had to turn it over to God several times . Outside was the most beautiful sunrise and I was in awe of how amazing God is, I knew all would be okay.

As I walked in my front door, my phone went off. It was my husband telling me a bonus check had come in. He normally gets these every couple months but this one was unexpected and a complete surprise. I knew and he knew it was an answered prayer.

About an hour later, I was wandering around a thrift store. It's one of my favorite things to do. I found a wallet that had tons of pockets in it. My wallet doesn't ever seem to have enough slots for all the cards and stuff I need it to hold. I was trying to decide if I wanted to buy this wallet and was looking through it when I came across money. The Lord had certainly blessed me this morning, now He was letting me be tested.

I have been through enough in my life that I know how serious it is for me to be obedient to what I believe to be right. I knew it was right to turn this money in. I sent my husband a message and of course he responded with a gentle encouragement that the right thing was to turn the money in and then told me I should buy the wallet for myself. So that is what I did.

As I was back in my vehicle I began to question, why do I have to always be so obedient? I wish I could not be obedient sometimes but my naughtiness is normally limited to sneaking to get ice cream while my kids are in school (and while I am on a diet).

 "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." Joshue 1:8 

It suddenly dawned on me, how quickly I had become ungrateful. So many prayers and blessing were received this morning. This amount of money wasn't significant compared to my husband's bonus. Why was I even letting this be an issue. Why had I so easily forgotten the blessings? 

I am grateful for today. I have been blessed and tested, and fed in more ways than one. 

"For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does." Psalms 33:4

**The management did let me know the money was going to their charity fund for the youth which is what they do with money that is found in donated items. 

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ

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