Wednesday, February 6, 2013

She's a Christian!!

Out of our 6 kids, three have been saved. As parents, we have explained salvation to them, what it means to be a Christian and held their hands as they have prayed the sinner prayer.

Bring in our daughter Kamryn, who is special needs. She has always been a very very spiritual child. She is my
little evangelist and tells everyone about Jesus. However, because of her special needs, she hasn't been through the process of being "saved". I have carefully explained to her before but she would just get this confused look. She understood praying and she loves to sing every prayer she says. She is in love with Jesus but the process... I had to pray over that. Would her learning capacity allow her to understand?

Today, Kamryn comes in my bedroom, lays directly on top of me and tells me she is going to miss me when I die. I told her I hoped I didn't die for a while. She said "you will die someday and so will I and we will meet each other in heaven, but I'm not a Christian mom". I told her that being a Christian means having Jesus in our heart. She said "mom, I have Jesus in my heart but I'm not a Christian and I need to be a Christian" Kamryn had gone from joyful to sad, upset, and insistent. I felt that her declaration of Jesus being in heart was probably proof of what I had expected, God got a hold of her a long time ago. She was adamant that something was missing, so I explained.

I told her that Christians say a prayer in which we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins, come into our heart and help us live like him. As soon as those words were out of my mouth, Kamryn started praying a very quick but very important prayer. When she was done she asked if she was a Christian now. I told her yes, and she jumped up and started shouting "I'm a Christian, I'm a Christian". She ran all through the house. As her daddy walked in the door she jumped in his arms and said "I'm a Christian, I'm a Christian and when I die, I'm going up to heaven and staring DOWN at the devil". Her dad hugged as we laughed and cried with her. Her sisters were all giggling as they explained to her that they were now sisters in Christ.

As I was talking to my husband about how I have always been kind of concerned how this moment would happen for Kamryn, I told him, it really is that simple. He added "and that exciting" as Kamryn is still dancing and twirling through the house shouting "I'm a Christian".

But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them. (Mark 10:14-16 ESV)

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ

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