Monday, December 30, 2013

Even my tooth fairy feels inadequate

Dollar bills decorated with glitter spray and notes left in gold ink? Come on....

My tooth fairy had some excuse about running out of gas and would be around later as she was running behind and that's why the tooth is still under the pillow at 8am

I am considering a social media detox... 

Sincerely, a Pinterest reject 

And a grateful believer In Jesus, 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Phil Robertson... Bridging the gap

If you have access to any type of Social Media, it's a pretty sure thing you have by now read someone's opinion of Phil Robertson's opinion on homosexuality. 

What a messy world we live in and how sad that  we have so many gaps between us as a people. I am in the ministry field and I am the biological daughter of a gay man. I know that gap, that struggle for identity and to know your own core belief system and then to have the confidence to stand firm in those beliefs. It's a delicate balance, life. 

In today's world, we are pulled to political correctness, to tolerance, to "coexist". As Christians, we aren't called to those things, we are called to love. There are no "ifs" behind that commandment and it is the second greatest commandment of all. 

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:37-40 ESV)

Corporations and politicians with hidden agendas have purposely widened the gap between us. To target a "demographic". That is where so much of this stems from. How old are you, what color are you, what ethnicity are you, where do you live, what is your religious beliefs? Then they can pinpoint who to target to get the money or the vote. So where does that leave us? It leaves us with the responsibility to bridge the gap between people and their beliefs. It's in that gap, you will find the essence of humanity, Love. 

So whether or not you believe the words spoken by Phil Robertson, you can agree, he had the right to say them. We can't ask tolerance for one lifestyle and deny another person the same. 

Let's go past tolerance this time, and practice something bigger, Love.  Phil says it's best in his  own response... 

"I myself am a product of the '60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other." 

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ

Monday, December 16, 2013

Not as I will, but as You will

Oh this road to recovery. Sometimes we accidentally learn more than we bargained for. 

My husband and I gave our joint testimony for the first time yesterday. At least as far as a public setting goes. It was the shorter version for a video and structured in interview form. My heart was so grateful for the Godly sober man sitting next me.  For so long I just wanted him to be better, I didn't imagine excellence. That is what God did with him though, transformed him into an amazing and wise man that now ministers to others that struggle with addictions. Oh what a blessed woman I am or so I was thinking. 

Then, as I sit with my family last night watching a Christmas movie, I was overcome with grief. Oh how rude  grief is, showing up at any time it wants without warning. It's been 15 weeks since I lost my mother to suicide. The mixed feelings that come with that. Oh how I tried to get her to seek help. I begged, pleaded, threatened, manipulated, I just wanted her to be better. I needed her. 

God's way of redeeming my trials and tribulations is often to show me a lesson. I have come to accept this and in the midst of trials, I  impatiently wait for the lesson so I can feel the relief that comes with purpose. Well today, that lesson that has been brewing for three days finally showed up. 

I needed my mom and my husband to be okay and I needed that for myself. I realize so much more now. I feel compassion replacing feelings of abandonment. I can't imagine the hell they were living in facing battles and not  finding an escape. I realize that though their struggles affected me, their struggles weren't about me. 

What I am trying to get out, that I want to share, 

When we seek help for our loved ones struggling with addictions, we have to ask, is it because their addictions are hurting them, or is it because their addictions are hurting us? If it's not for them, we need a meeting too! 

We can't help others when we make it about what we can benefit from the situation. We can only help others when we accept that we are merely placed in their path for God to work through us. When we admit that and surrender to that, God can and will work through us. 

I can't bring my mom back. I can't change what that situation was, but I can share and hope someone reading can understand the importance of seeking God and finding help for themselves. You can't help a friend or loved one if you don't seek guidance first. It can't be about you, but God knows your desires and He can redeem your story when you let Him use you for His Purpose. 

I am grateful for my marriage, for my sober husband, for healed relationships, and a chance to bring  the good news of Christ and the testimony of redemption God gave us through His son. 

For all the blessings and bonuses that have been springing up all around, I pray to stay surrendered. I pray for you reading this. If you are searching for any answers for you or someone else it begins with surrendering your heart to Christ. It's that simple and that enormous all in one. I pray you find surrender.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33 NIV)

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Tonight, a tragedy occurred. My daughter, on the autism spectrum, lost her pet rock. Sounds silly but it's anything but.

Kamryn has had this pet rock for 5 years. It has multiple layers of fingernail polish, another one of her passions. Her nail polish from Christmas, her nail polish from her birthday, her nail polish from her aunt have all contributed to the beauty of "rocky". 

The rock broke into 3 pieces. She frantically tried to piece it back together as she yelled "stay with me Rocky".  My husband had to leave the room as we are both trying to stifle laughter. It was kinda cute at this point. 

An elastic band holding the rock together , Kamryn declared, "Rocky is gone." I told her we could peace it back together. She said, " no, I have lost my best friend" 

She left  the room and I went to check on her a little while later. I found her outside with the shovel. I took the shovel from her at which point she collapsed into my arms sobbing. There was nothing funny about this situation left, at all. My little girl is heart broken. 

The other kids are frantically running around trying to find new rocks. My 7 year old finds one and runs in my room to find the nail polish. Kamryn won't have it. They continue to pick up token presents to give her, anything to console their sister. She is hysterical at this point.

Kamryn is still sobbing in random bursts. We are in the car as I write this. We have listened to her share why she loved Rocky. She can remember a lot when it comes to this rock, many moments in the last 5 years is detail. 

There really isn't a lesson on this post to share. I wanted to write it down to remember the evening I cried because my daughter cried ... over a rock. It's amazing how far Motherhood and the compassion that comes with it has taken me. This I didn't see coming, but I wouldn't trade our journey for the world. 

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ 

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Truth about Sanity

Step 2 in Recovery tell us, "We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity."

The first thing anyone entering recovery needs to know if they are coming from generational dysfuction, generational addiction, generational alcoholism or any mixture of the above, you aren't going to be restored to sanity, you are going to be introduced to sanity.

What we have always known to be true is what we will accept and understand as truth.  By this principle, we come to accept unhealthy habits and dysfunction as normal. It's the the only way we have known. The only way to change that is to seek out something we don't know, to seek out a different truth.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. To get sanity, requires a change in action, thinking, and believing.

So where does truth come from? Well our higher power has left that for us to find in his word, the bible.

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

There is a lot of things we don't know as truth that we discover in the journey of recovery. These nuggets of truth come out as God convicts and corrects us from what we have known and done in the past. Through these pieces, a new life is formed. It is a life of sanity, and with sanity comes freedom from our hurts, habits and hangups. We are truly made new in Christ. 

A grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,



Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Building Boundaries

My mother being a counselor and my parents and grandparent both going through 12 step programs, I was raised from a preteen in an environment where Recovery "talk" was the normal. Boundary was a word I heard quite often. I remember one time when I was a little girl, I had gotten in my mother's purse. She told me that was a boundary violation. I didn't quite understand what that meant but I knew I was doing something I wasn't supposed to.

I have grown in my own recovery journey over the years.  The last couple years in Celebrate Recovery, I have grown in leaps and bounds. I have a better understanding of boundaries. Not just what they mean, but why they are so important and how to build and maintain them. Even rebuilding them again when I have allowed someone or something to knock them down.

Since my mother's death, my boundaries have been tested and violated, knocked down and manipulated, scorned and rejected. Here is the thing about building boundaries, they are mine. Right or wrong, whether others agree to them or not, boundaries are there to protect us, our family, our children, our environment, and our life. They are as necessary as breathing for one that is trying to thrive in a dysfunctional environment. Since we all can find some dysfunction if we look into our lives, we all need boundaries.

Building these boundaries brings opposition. Codependency is the need for someone else to be who they are so  we can be who we are. When one person or even a family unit out of a larger family makes a change, it disrupts the accepted. Even if the normal isn't healthy. So to make these changes, to create these boundaries, often threatens others. They see their security fading because their actions and reactions have been based on our unhealthy actions and reactions. There is no healthy identity.  The family's identity has centered around the dysfunction and the people behind it rather than the a healthy center, such as Christ. When something affects that center, like a death, the whole unit becomes lost and without direction. They start searching for a new center.

Looking back, I realize as the oldest child, the outgoing child, the one that questioned the "normal", the one that searched for more, for better, how much I did really participate in making myself the center of all that nonsense. I allowed it to be heaped on me many times, because I felt that being in charge of fixing it all, made me in control. That false sense of control led me to believe I could make it better. I could fix everyone else. I could cure all the addicts, and alcoholics and then I could be okay. I had led myself to believe they were the problem and I had no part of the problem, but I would be the great one responsible for the solution.


I learned my part in the problem. I learned that I had that victim mentality that kept me in denial. I learned that my solution wasn't even a solution, it was insanity. The solution, surrender. When I laid down my will to fight, to control, to fix, God's will in my life took over. The nuclear family unit became better. It wasn't centered around me, or my spouse and my children, it was centered around Christ and God's word. I had made a mess of everything I put my hands on, but as I learned God's truth, that mess started being cleaned up.

With my family unit in place, I had built boundaries, along with my husband. Our home would be Christ centered, and following that, recovery centered. Oh what joy and peace is developing in our home. I just can't describe it. God is amazing and the work he has done is amazing.

My husband and I are from huge families, and not everyone's reaction is created equal. Many have become very angry, even accusing us of abandoning them. I don't want to go into that, it's not my side of the street. I bring it up because I want others going through recovery to know what I have learned. It is normal for people to think the old you has abandoned them. We are made new in Christ. The old us is gone. This is a good thing. There are those that will have to learn and grow and adjust to the new us. They may be angry, they may walk away, they may embrace this change and follow our lead. We have to give them over to God.

Our boundaries are what allows our recovery to become successful and remain successful. The stronger our boundaries, the more serenity and peace and joy and happiness we can maintain. There will be dark moments and our boundaries may get cracked, they may even completely tumble, we just rebuild them.

Boundaries aren't to hurt others either. Healthy boundaries will help others as much as they help us. They won't enable the person seeking drama, seeking a scapegoat, seeking undeserved praise or sympathy. They allow the person on the other side to enter into a healthy situation. Whether they stick around, be nice, be mean, or leave, we have to be prepared for that reaction with grace, mercy, kindness and forgiveness. Our reaction may not be this, but with prayer and practice, our reaction can become this. If we fail in our reaction and our old self tries to take over, we surrender as soon as we catch it and we try again.

These word today, they come from a place of deep pain that God used for his glory and turned into deep understanding. I share them with the sincerest hope that one person reading them may find relief from the loneliness that we encounter in this process. We aren't really alone, God is just giving us space for one on one time with HIM. Take that opportunity if you are there, seek him, find him. He will help you build boundaries. After all, he is our great protector.

 "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." ~ Proverbs 4:23 NIV

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,
Johnna Payne-Hurt 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Standing Our Ground

I have kept my blinders on very tightly and on purpose regarding the people and reaction surrounding Veronica's case. After being torn apart as a person by people associated with the couples PR campaign, I returned to the situation with one focus and one purpose, advocating for Veronica.  

With litigation over, I am finally looking around the last week with blinders off and I am amazed at the people, the supporters, the pages, the change being affected by our Little Star. 

As an adoptee with a journey eerily similar to Veronica's, I know too well the heartache she will endure in the future. The abandonment by her natural family she will hear about and once she learns the truth, the betrayal she will feel towards her adoptive family. It is a no win situation for her unless all the adults admit their part and their mistakes  and work together to raise her equally. I am afraid the last part of that statement is going to be the greatest challenge. The parties involved have so much hurt that will surely lead to resentment. It will likely require intervention like therapy or a recovery program. I pray for them all to find a way to do right by Veronica. 

As far as the supporters, I am grateful to see so many working to reform adoption and to strengthen ICWA. The suggestion of a Universal Child Welfare Act is a genius idea. Our children have rights and we need to recognize them. We also need to recognize the reality of what is going on in the adoption industry. 

In order for an adoption to occur, a separation of a child from their family has to happen first. This is comparable to an organ transplant. A life can be saved but a life has to be lost. If your child needs a new heart, you can pray they recieve a new heart and be humbly grateful if it happens but is it okay to go around asking for someone else's  child to die? Do you wish another family pain? Of course not, that would be absurd! 
So, why are people soliciting adoption? Why hope to break up a family to create one? If a child needs a home, then you can be humbly grateful to provide one. But just as we don't go killing others to grab their organs, we shouldn't destroy families to transplant these children. It is tragic. 

So to all these people, all these pages, I hope you are able to help open the hearts of our society and break into an industry that seems to operate without compassion. The purpose of adoption seems to be lost. It's time to find our footing, stand our ground and restore our families. 

But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children--Psalm 103:17

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ, 

Monday, October 7, 2013

I know the plans I have for you Declare the Lord....

Several months ago, my husband and I felt our ministry being moved to another city. Not understanding why but both receiving our own confirmation before finally sharing it with each other, we both knew we had to obey. I resigned from most of my volunteer work in the city I live in and we began attending a new church in the place we were being led. 

Before school started, our church partnered with a local suicide prevention program for a barbque and Backpacks event in the park. I was fascinated with this program. Having no experience in that ministry field, I accepted that it probably wasn't my calling and let it go. I knew God will tell me where I was supposed to be in time. I was anxious, having a servant's heart, I wanted to be working, to be used and serving. 

Two weeks later , I was in another city when our State Representative for our recovery ministry told me that the same suicide prevent program would be at her church. She invited me to attend. I told her about my experience with them but wasn't sure it was where I was being called. I always worked with homeless and addicts, this was a whole different field. I wrote the date down and told her I would pray about it. 

Life became pretty busy.  My husband scheduled our joint testimony for December. Our joint testimony that hasn't been written. Burying myself in our recovery ministry,  I knew I had work ahead. 

On September 3, 2013, I received the unthinkable call. My mother, who had faced many battles her entire life, had committed suicide. I couldn't function. I completely submitted to
God and sought whatever comfort I could find. It was during the next couple of weeks, I would experience some of the most holy moments of my life. These weren't fun moments, they weren't easy moments, they weren't happy moments,  but I have never felt closer to God. He was breathing life into me when nothing in this world could. 

Our recovery tells us, God never wastes a hurt and that He will use all things together for His good, all things, even the tragedy that had now cast a huge shadow of grief over our entire family . I had no clue how that was going to work, I still don't but that promise was the only hope I had during this season of loss.  

Yesterday, I was checking my calendar, I almost broke down. There it was written, that date I had long forgot. The day I was invited  to church to meet with the suicide prevention program. It was right there, on October 7, 2013, my mothers birthday.

I realize I am not very qualified in this specific field. I also know that God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called. I go forward gently, and grateful for purpose.

 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ, 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

How does your garden grow?


Planting good seeds is something often talked about. It's the works and words and impressions we leave on others that have an opportunity to grow something good in them.

What about the other seeds we plant? I have realized that intentional or not, we do plant bad seeds. I did this yesterday, several times. It was a rough day and words came out of my mouth that I had to apologize for. I have learned that I can't plant bad seeds and when I do, I have to pick them back up! That means making amends and that isn't always easy. 

There is one more lesson, the bad seeds planted into us by others. We can't go around trying to force other people to make amends when they have dropped something bad in our life.  This means we have to clean up that up ourselves. We can recognize the bad we need to clean out. It's usually grown into anger, resentments, bitterness, criticism and all that yucky stuff. When we recognize the root of those things in us, it's easier to pluck out. We don't do this for those that did or said harmful things but for us. It is called forgiveness and it's so our lives are a flowerbed of good things that can grow. 

Have you taken the time to look at what you might be planting in others, Have you taken the time to be mindful and cleanup what is planted in you? 

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fully Awake

Often, when we are having a bad dream, a nightmare, we suddenly wake up. There is a shaky, panicky feeling followed by relief. It's relief knowing we are okay, all is well and we can catch a deep breath. 

Is heaven like this? Do we reach that place and become fully awake? Do we see that the nightmare of this sinful world is passed us? Do we feel relief as our feet are firmly planted on the streets of gold? Do we catch our breath as we approach our creators throne? Does the sadness drift away? Does the panic subside as we realize we have made it home and everything is finally and really and completely okay? 

It's been two weeks today since I lost my mother. I pray she is fully awake and at peace. 

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Higher Standard

A Higher Standard 

So often, we look to other people to determine who we are and who we want to be. We take in other people's opinions, beliefs, and behaviors in an attempt to "fit in".  This is especially so for those in recovery searching for a new normal. This is very alarming and it won't work. 

It's like pianos.  You can't take two  pianos and attempt to tune them to one another. You will then have two pianos out of tune. A person must come in and use a tuning fork: a standard if you will and tune each piano. Then, the pianos will play in harmony. 

So it is with people. We can't fully rely on another person to be okay. Our faith has to be in God. He is our higher standard in which we can all be tuned. When we allow ourselves to be tuned into Him rather than conform to this world, life becomes a symphony. 
The tuning forks for this are bible, prayer, fasting, worship, and church. 

What are you allowing to set the tone of your life? People or a higher standard? 

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2 ESV)

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ, 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Feeding Marriage....

 "So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate."  Matthew 19:6

When I entered the Celebrate Recovery program 2 years ago, I was told after I worked the 12 steps on myself, I would have to work them on my marriage as well. To be honest, I had already given up on my marriage at that point and working anything on it just didn't make sense. I had tried for 15 years, I was out of options, or so I thought.

After working the steps on ourselves, a reconciliation happened and my husband moved back home and we were ready. What we didn't realize was how we were really starting from scratch. On our knees in prayer, we gave it all back to God and He sure began to work.

Here is the part I would like to say that everything is perfect and all better today. I have learned it will never be perfect and all better. Marriage is a process. It is not just a process to make us happy, but to make us holy. It forms and molds us into better people. IF we feed our marriage with intention and purpose, it will grow and thrive as the most important relationship we can have with another person.

 I know as a parent, I wasn't absolutely sure what to do with a baby or how being a mom should look. I knew a baby needed fed so I asked the nurses and doctors and other moms. I knew a baby needed check ups so again, I sought guidance from others, I read parenting books to make sure my kids were functioning and thriving as expected. If I had just guessed, I would risk starving my child, harming my child, I wouldn't be  a good mom. This is exactly what we had done wrong in our marriage. We didn't seek advice and instruction and had literally starved it.

I see now, how my marriage requires the same care and concern. If I want to be a good wife, I had to seek guidance from other wives. I had to read books, particularly the bible. I had to pray and I had to be willing to grow. Just as I am determined to succeed as a mom in raising my children, I had to be dedicated to my marriage. Anything less that submission and obedience to instruction and wisdom and I my marriage wouldn't make it. My identity as a wife was on the line and it was my own fault for not thriving in that area.

Once I was able to accept my part and as my husband accepted his, we were able to start feeding into our union. Our relationship began to grow. A ministry leader recently pointed out that just as children have growing pains, we have growing pains in our recovery. This is the very truth and there have been  growing pains in my marriage. At the end of the day, our marriage has grown. It has grown more than I ever thought possible.

I am grateful that God loved me too much to leave me where I was at a couple years ago. I am grateful for progress and growth. I am grateful for the transfusion of grace and mercy into our marriage by the saving sacrifice of Christ. I wanted to share, for those that may be facing starving marriages. Start feeding into that precious covenant. Start by getting on your knees, and asking God to take over. He will provide the way, if you can manage to submit to His will. What once was starving can began to bear fruit again. For those needing more guidance, you can find a local Celebrate Recovery group near you.

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,

Monday, June 17, 2013

Deeper Waters..

We took our 6 children to the lake this weekend. This is something we do every summer but it was the first time back in the water this year. For the smaller children, this meant finding their confidence again. They were excited to jump in, they were just a little concerned about going out to far.

I was holding on to my 6 year old who actually loves the water. I was loosely holding on to her as she was swimming pretty well. She realized I wasn’t holding on completely and she panicked and started going under. I grabbed her right up and she was fine. The next time, she was making sure I had a hold of her.

I smiled as I watched this scenario happen several more times with the children as they became acclimated to the water. It reminded me of how I am when I lose focus in life. I find confidence in my faith and I am able to move forward with whatever obstacles are ahead of me. When life starts getting busier and I allow it to drown out my time spent on my relationship with God, I find myself starting to go under.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”~ Isaiah 41:10

Our heavenly father holds us up to. He is there ready to catch us and help us from going under. Sometimes we lack confidence because we can’t feel him. Sometimes we just need reassurance that he is holding on to us.

Like my children had faith in me to keep my hand on them, I too can have faith that God has his hand on me. I can swim out further and deeper and find joy in unknown waters.

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Oklahoma Standard

The Oklahoma Standard

In Oklahoma, we have faced many traumatic experiences. The bombing on April 19th to the tornadoes of May 3rd, May 5th and now the tornado of May 20th. With what is being reported as 8 times more power than the atomic bomb of Hiroshima, the May 20th E5 tornado is the largest tornado ever.

We have this standard in Oklahoma. It gets us kind of a reputation. The Oklahoma standard, where instead of running from disaster we run to help our neighbors, even if that means we are running into destruction.

We organize quickly, efficiently, and effectively. It doesn't require much effort this standard, because it's our way of life here. We as Oklahomans aren't looking down on someone unless we are helping them up. We are good at helping others up.

During disasters, all television programming is stopped. Our news anchors become our counselors and our confidants. We call into them as much as they report out to us. Whatever it takes until every neighbor is found and every need is met.

The Oklahoma standard, it's our most precious asset. It's grown in the heart of every Oklahoman. It's planted in the heart of anyone that's ever met an Oklahoman. It's our strength, our compassion, and our identity.

When you see us declare we are "Oklahoma strong", we aren't saying we are better. We are saying we have developed a standard and if you haven't met it, we will be glad to introduce ya...

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,
And a grateful Oklahoman

Monday, May 20, 2013

Use your voice

One of these days I plan on writing a blog post about our family rules. With 6 kids we have several we have come up with over the years that have worked fairly well for us. One of them being, "if it's not yours, don't touch it". This works with sibling rivalry over toys and when we are visiting other people's homes or we are out in public. It is just a good, solid, kind of covers everything rule of life.

This weekend, my husband and I sat everyone down as we were inspired with a new general rule of conduct. We explained, "Use your voice, and respect other people's right to use their voice". The idea for this one came about because our children are getting older. With our preteens especially, they are running out of patience for the little ones. We are finding ourselves in the middle of yelling matches instead of using effective communication. There is also some ignoring going on and boundaries being violated.

I am excited as to see this rule put into place. When my 6 year old became frustrated last night and started to jump up and down whining, I reminded her to use her voice. She was able to stop and tell me what was going on. Later on, two of the children were wrestling and it was getting too rough and one child began yelling, "stop", I simply had to remind the other child to respect their siblings voice. Their sibling shouldn't have to YELL stop, a simple stop should be respected. So far, this seems to be working. I am sure it won't work every time, but it is progress in a house full of children that want to have their say and want to be heard. Isn't that something we all kind of want?

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6 (NIV)

I have really been convicted in this area and am still being worked on. I have learned to use words of love instead of words that might cause fear. I want my children to be able to lift one another up as well as those around them. How great will it be when they grow up and have at least 5 other people to talk to that can fill them with truth and grace when they need it most?

Have you taken the time to use your voice? Are you lifting up those around you and presenting grace to the world? Are you respecting the voice other people have been give? Are you respecting your children's voice? (this was a big one for me) Are you teaching your children to use their voice?  I am looking forward to growing in this area and I pray you will join me!

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,
Johnna Payne-Hurt

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fight, not flight

Several times in several days, I have faced unwarranted meanness. I have witnessed a single mom be told to go beg somewhere else for diapers for her little one. I received a horrible hate filled email after my account was hacked and sent out spam. I was told during fundraising for a nonprofit that the homeless deserve what they get. I have cried many tears and then I have gotten mad.

I have a fight response to meanness. I have an ability to turn really mean back and often times I can be even meaner than the other person. In the past I have justified my retaliation.

In recovery, I have learned to retaliate less but I'm still being convicted on my reaction. I am reminded of Joseph in the bible and how his brothers sold him into slavery. As a result and several years later, Joseph becomes the second most important person next to the Pharaoh and his brothers are led to repent. They are terrified of what Joseph's reaction might be. He tells them..

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. (Genesis 50:20 ESV)

He forgives his brothers and gives the glory of the outcome to God who took their mean actions and used them to benefit Joseph and help many others.

I may not ever know what it is to not react to meanness. I may always have that "fight" response. God can still use me. I will choose to let that "fight" feeling ignite a passion to help others for good, knowing that meanness loses. It doesn't lose because meanness is stopped. Meanness loses when it is outdone, outnumbered, and conquered by love, faith, and hope. Meanness loses when grace and mercy over take, and grace and mercy will overtake.

I won't let my fight become flight, but I will let my fight become good and worthy, and for His glory and not mine.

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,

Friday, May 10, 2013

To my children, what I want for mother's day

To My Children, What I want for Mother's day,

I want you to carry love in your hearts always… real love, true love, love for God. The kind of love that allows you to give love and receive love.

I want you to know with confidence that you are beautiful without anyone having to tell you that you are.

I want you to hear the wisdom that guides you. The wisdom of those that have gone ahead, and the wisdom that whispers to your soul.

I want you to feel life. The breath that has awakened your spirit to encompass this beautiful journey.

I want you to see beauty, real beauty. The twinkle of a billion stars found in the eyes of a beautiful person. The rustling wind found in the gasp of a newborn baby’s breath.

I want you to taste the success of the  impossible  being made deliciously possible through Jesus Christ.

I want you to understand how blessed I am for being able to hold a baby, comfort a child, discipline a teenager, invest in a future, and pray over another person like I have done for you.

Somewhere in the scheme of things, God’s grace and mercy was sufficient enough to pick me to be your mom/guardian/teacher/minister/family.  I could have never on my own qualified to be that person for you. What I want the most for Mother’s day, is for you to know there is no greater gift on this earth I could receive. I want you to know your worth and that you ARE the perfect gift from God and I am eternally grateful for you.

For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him: 1 Samuel 1:27

With All My Love,

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Forever changed

May 3, 1999,  I stood outside with sirens going off and watched a tornado pass only 17 blocks away. As it moved further away, it got bigger. It would turn into a F5 , the highest rating for a tornado. It was a direct hit on the town of Bridecreek, Oklahoma.

I was 21 years old, going through some rough times in my life already. I couldn’t believe what had happened. I drove to Bridecreek and witnessed destruction like I had never seen. We were all quick to work together and a triage, search and rescue, and donation drop off were soon in place.

To our horror, we found the need to set up a makeshift morgue. I will never forget them finding and bringing in a lifeless newborn baby. A local teacher who knew the parents that were in the hospital, sat in the morgue holding and cleaning up this precious angel.

Everything I thought I knew about life, didn’t make sense anymore. I was put to work on the phone lines. The number I had was the number CNN had broadcast across the nation for people to check on their loved ones. A frantic mother called looking for her children who were in Oklahoma with their father. The phone never stopped ringing, it was back to back calls for over 12 hours. Others had to step in and we took turns in shift on this line where people had been hitting redial until they could finally get through, only to be told we were in a 48 moratorium and no longer allowed to give out information. Again, nothing made sense.

I was numb after returning home. I was lost and questioning everything, including my faith. I sunk into depression really quick. It was two week later, and mothers day. My mind couldn’t stop thinking about the mother’s empty arms. How she must feel.

The next day, I was in for the shock of my life. I found out after being told I couldn’t have kids, that we were expecting our first child. They gave me a pair of crocheted booties at the clinic as a congratulations gift and sent me home.

It was in some of these darkest moments, God reached out to me, performed a miracle in  my life and reminded me why life was so precious, so worth fighting for. It was worth continuing to do what I had done for a so much of life. To step in, to help when I felt most helpless. To hope when I had felt most hopeless.

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58 ESV)

I will never forget what happened 14 years ago on this day. It molded 21 year old me into so much of who I would be for the rest of my life. I wont ever forget the man that showed up with brand new bicycles for every child that lost their home. I will never forget the bent and out of shape rings given to the young woman who had just lost her mom. I will never forget the food, clothes, supplies, and money dropped off by angels. Every time I hear the song “calling all angels” I remember these people. I remember the firefighters, so young , rummaging through debris to find loved ones. I will never forget the victims, the families, the moments that stood still. I was and continue to be forever changed.

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Participating in Change


Last year the word was recovery, at the beginning of this year it was growth, now it is change. I am not sure when it became about change but God has made it loud and clear this last couple weeks, the focus is now change.

When I completely and unconditionally submitted my life to Christ all over again 2 years ago, I did so believing I would be made new. I did believe this, on faith. The bible tell us it’s true and we can claim that…

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)

This week, even a few days ago, as I was struggling, I kept asking myself “what am I doing wrong?” I really do believe we can be made new, so why was I engaging in old behaviors? Why did everything seem to tumble back in an instant? It’s because I can say I believe and have faith, but I wasn’t acting the part.

For example, I went with my daughter on a field trip yesterday. They had a weight scale that would give your weight on earth and on the moon. Let me just say, I would be a happy size 2 if I lived on the moon, but I don’t. The reason this particular issue isn’t getting any better is because I am sitting on my hiney reading about being made new and then getting up and acting the SAME. God needs our cooperation sometimes. So today, with the thought, “what can I change today?” , I went walking. Not a huge change, but it is a change. It was a change I took part in as a “new” person.

It’s isn’t coincidence the new book I picked up this morning was titled, “Changing Course”. Claudia Black tells us that “recovery starts with recognizing that you would like at least part of your life to be different that it is now. “ That means… you guessed it, change!

So I share with you my new focus. Some of you may have started this journey with me, some may just be starting it now, and some may be way ahead in the game. In any case, for those that are ready to step out of the insane pattern of doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, I encourage you to ask yourself, what can I do as a new person that is different? It doesn’t have to be a huge deal. It can be skipping the donut shop and picking up some fresh fruit in the morning. It can be lowering our voice when we feel the urge to raise our voice. It can be setting at timer for 15 minutes to clean, or 15 minutes to be still and pray and meditate. It can be dropping some clothes stashed in the back of the closet off at a local charity. Just do today,  something you didn’t do yesterday. Something new, something changed.

The point is, God can, will, and wants to change us. Are we willing to participate?

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

On my Knees...

When I first found myself in a recovery support program called Alanon, I had an amazing sponsor. She would lead me through steps and guide me through exercises that would be helpful to me. I was listening, to most of it. I wasn’t seeing much change. I would be okay for a minute and then would go right back to that pattern of insanity, trying to fix everything on my own willpower.

One day, I was frustrated and called her complaining. Nothing seemed to be working and I was ready to hide in a closet. She asked me, “Are you praying on your knees like I told you to?”  The answer was, ‘I am praying, exhausted and worn out, layed out on my bed”. That was not the answer she was looking for. I wasn’t praying submitted to God, I was praying submitted to my body that was completely finished with the day and ready for sleep.

In reflecting on this time in my life, I realize  I had been saying my prayers so I could go to sleep. For many years in fact, that was the routine. Get ready for bed, and then say my prayers so I could go to sleep. Oh what I have learned in the last couple years. Starting with, prayers aren’t just so we can go to sleep. In fact, that isn’t what they are for at all.

For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Ephesians 3:14-19 KJV

This is what prayer, on our knees is for and what it does for us. I would encourage you to learn, pray and meditate over this scripture. Then practice it!

Something amazing began to happen as I became intentional about praying on my knees every morning and every night. I started with praying for the new day and God to guide my thoughts and actions and end every day, thanking God for helping me make it through. Very quickly, I found myself on my knees by my bed more than just every morning and every night. I would get frustrated with my husband or my kids and I would go tell God about it. “Lord, what is with THEM”. I would get back up, and something would be changed, but it wasn’t THEM, it was me!! I felt like a new person facing a new day, every time!!! All of a sudden, my frustrations and worries and overwhelming responsibilities began to shrink. I had learned to effectively hand everything, including myself, over to God. When I did this, He was then able to work in me.

The first 3 steps of any 12 step program can be summarized liked this;

Step 1. I can’t
Step 2. God Can
Step 3. I will let Him

I hope by sharing some experience, strength, and hope that I have been able to help you like my sponsor helped me. I pray for you to find the strength to get on your knees, submit it all to God and let Him begin to do that wonderous work in you that only HE can do!!!

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,

Monday, April 15, 2013

Dear Chrissi Nimmo,

Dear Chrissi Nimmo,

As I have  watched the Baby Veronica case unfold, I have been overwhelmed with emotions. From the time I saw bumper stickers and perfume being sold to solicit money in this precious baby girls name, I couldn’t walk away. She didn’t need saved from her family, she was saved and brought back home to her family, because of you, and because of ICWA.

Tomorrow is the biggest day to come. The day it all is finally decided in front of the Supreme Court of the United States of America. The rights and sovereignty of first nations as well as the rights of our children are at stake. In our culture, we all know we don’t have one momma, we have tribes full of them.

I am reminded this morning of an Indian story. I want to share it:

“There were two warring tribes in the Andes, one that lived in the lowlands and the other high in the mountains. The mountain people invaded the lowlanders one day, and as part of their plundering of the people, they kidnapped a baby of one of the lowlander families and took the infant with them back up into the mountains. The lowlanders didn't know how to climb the mountain. They didn't know any of the trails that the mountain people used, and they didn't know where to find the mountain people or how to track them in the steep terrain. Even so, they sent out their best party of fighting men to climb the mountain and bring the baby home. The men tried first one method of climbing and then another. They tried one trail and then another. After several days of effort, however, they had climbed only several hundred feet. Feeling hopeless and helpless, the lowlander men decided that the cause was lost, and they prepared to return to their village below. As they were packing their gear for the descent, they saw the baby's mother walking toward them. They realized that she was coming down the mountain that they hadn't figured out how to climb. And then they saw that she had the baby strapped to her back. How could that be? One man greeted her and said, "We couldn't climb this mountain. How did you do this when we, the strongest and most able men in the village, couldn't do it?" She shrugged her shoulders and said, "It wasn't your baby."

Tomorrow Chrissi, you are THE momma of many tribes, climbing the mountains and doing what no one else could do. I firmly believe nothing is born out of time. You were chosen for this day, for this time, for this purpose. Just as Veronica (Little Star) was chosen for the same purpose. Because of both of you, the rights and well beings of tribes across this great nation will remain in place.

I pray for the Great Spirit that I call God to surround you, hold you up, to guide your words and your actions. You have already brought her home, now just stand firm on that mountain and know that over 500 tribes are standing behind you!

May God Speed and Justice Prevail,
Johnna Payne-Hurt

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I am excited to announce our website is up and running! You can visit it at So super excited to have everything together in once place and links to all of our networks. Thank you to everyone that has followed and subscribed and liked us on facebook! Can't wait to see what the next step will be!

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,

Children's bible study ~Walking with God

Here is another bible study I put together for our children. This one is because I wanted them to understand they could have their very own relationship with God and not just on Sunday!

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,

Children's bible study~ Chores

We have been doing bible studies with our children. I usually feel led to a topic and then we go with that. This week, the topic was chores. Our kids think of chores often as a punishment and I felt that needed discussed further so that they could see it is a privilege and responsibility. With 6 kids, we keep it kind of simple. We stay open to discussion and we end with a scripture memory verse we write on the dry erase  board in our dining room so the kids can work on it for the week. I just felt led to share this and hope it helps!

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Religion and Sex Addiction

I have been reading “The Pursuit of God” but A.W. Tozer. He uses the world “mental intercourse” and points out that like encounters with people, we can’t get to know the personality of God in one encounter.

I work with and around sex addicts all the time. Tozer’s statement helped me make the comparison of religion and sex addiction. Just as anyone can chose to participate in the physical act of sex in many different ways, so can people choose to participate in religion. Anyone can attend a church function, or walk that isle and give their lives to God. It isn’t one single act that transforms us. It isn’t what we are seeking. It isn’t fulfilling.

We are seeking that satisfaction that comes from a deep relationship. That “mental intercourse” that Tozer points out is so necessary. By surrendering our mind, body and spirit to the will of God and his purpose, amazing things happens. To stick with the comparison here, to submit completely to the process of experiencing God, is to reach an orgasmic enlightenment. This is what draws the line between spirituality and religion that so many talk about. We are aiming for the spiritual, not the religious. We are seeking an entire relationship, not just an encounter.

When was the last time you had a fulfilling encounter with God? Have you taken the time to be still and experience Him?

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The keys to obedience

A story was passed on to me recently. The summary of the story was that when God requires something to be done, even the devil must obey Him.

This was a very strong statement and one that has really made me think. In the story of Job, when satan is taking possessions and family from Job and testing his faith, God lays it out. He determines to what degree Job can be tested and requires that Job’s life not be taken. Satan obeys God and only does what he is allowed to do.

At this point I began to question exactly why God allows what He does and it was in this moment that I remembered, God put us here for His glory. He, like those of us that choose to be parents, chose to create us. He wants to love us and finds joy in watching us grow. This growth isn’t just physical, God delights in watching our spiritual growth. He wants us to grow towards him so we can return home someday.

Then why, one might ask, would God allow his children to be tested? Since the fall of man, that was a choice we have made, in our own disobedience. God has tried to tell us all along what was best, but we haven’t listened. When God’s chosen people had judges, while the other lands had kings, people threw a fit. They wanted kings too. This wasn’t best but God allowed it. We want free will and then we want to ask God why it didn’t work out.

I imagine this is similar to a parent giving their child the keys to the car. We don’t want our kids to break the law, we sure wouldn’t want them doing something so dangerous as drinking and driving, but we really do have to let them drive. We do want them to be happy and we want them to grow so we set rules, pray they followed them, and hand over the keys. God, our father, operates the same way. He hands us the keys with a set of rules and then hopes that we follow them so we can safely grow and be happy.

These are random thoughts that were jumbling up until I felt the need to write them down. Seriously though, do you understand the responsibility you have been given? God has trusted us with precious keys and He wants us to make it home safely. Are you following the rules or are you setting yourself up for temptation and harm? Obedience in this world brings comfort for now, but one day, it will determine if we make it home.

A grateful believer in Jesus Christ

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Blessings and testings...

I have to say, for having a large family to provide for, we are blessed to live fairly comfortable. By comfortable, I mean our bills are paid and we don't have to worry about our needs if we are responsible with our money. I have to admit, I am not always the most responsible.

With Easter coming up and so many extra's to purchase, I was getting a little concerned this week. I prayed a lot, knowing God always provides. This morning I woke up financially worried. I had to turn it over to God several times . Outside was the most beautiful sunrise and I was in awe of how amazing God is, I knew all would be okay.

As I walked in my front door, my phone went off. It was my husband telling me a bonus check had come in. He normally gets these every couple months but this one was unexpected and a complete surprise. I knew and he knew it was an answered prayer.

About an hour later, I was wandering around a thrift store. It's one of my favorite things to do. I found a wallet that had tons of pockets in it. My wallet doesn't ever seem to have enough slots for all the cards and stuff I need it to hold. I was trying to decide if I wanted to buy this wallet and was looking through it when I came across money. The Lord had certainly blessed me this morning, now He was letting me be tested.

I have been through enough in my life that I know how serious it is for me to be obedient to what I believe to be right. I knew it was right to turn this money in. I sent my husband a message and of course he responded with a gentle encouragement that the right thing was to turn the money in and then told me I should buy the wallet for myself. So that is what I did.

As I was back in my vehicle I began to question, why do I have to always be so obedient? I wish I could not be obedient sometimes but my naughtiness is normally limited to sneaking to get ice cream while my kids are in school (and while I am on a diet).

 "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." Joshue 1:8 

It suddenly dawned on me, how quickly I had become ungrateful. So many prayers and blessing were received this morning. This amount of money wasn't significant compared to my husband's bonus. Why was I even letting this be an issue. Why had I so easily forgotten the blessings? 

I am grateful for today. I have been blessed and tested, and fed in more ways than one. 

"For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does." Psalms 33:4

**The management did let me know the money was going to their charity fund for the youth which is what they do with money that is found in donated items. 

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I am ready!

     I was walking in the park with my daughters and I asked if they wanted to walk around the other side of the park and across the bridge that went over the small pond. My 8 year old said, ”Not the big bridge, it scares me!” She then ran up to my side and said, “first I have to hold my momma’s hand and then I can”. She grabbed my hand and exclaimed, “I am ready now!”

     One of the many things being worked on in my life is the time I spend with God, especially in the morning. I had begun praying at the end of the day for God’s will and purpose in my life and his direction. Then I would wake up the next morning and I would start getting ready and move on with my day, never stopping to ask for the one thing I was praying for, His direction. I was convicted! I began praying in the mornings, first thing, and overtime this has grown into getting up a little earlier and even reading the bible. (This time change has thrown me off again on exactly how early I am getting up so I am back to working on that.)

     A scripture that I found one day as my very thoughts were all over the place and I was wondering why I felt so scatterbrained was Matthew 12:30:

He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad."

     As my daughter grabbed my hand today, all of this came to the forefront. Like children that, with all of their trust, grab their parents hand for guidance and reassurance, we have to grab our Heavenly father’s hand. We have to gather with him first, and then we are ready!

    If you haven’t been doing so, I urge you to grow into meeting with God every morning. This is an intentional action that will become habit over time. Pray, read your bible, talk to Him, whatever it takes to face your day. You will know you are being changed when your heart begins to exclaim, “I am ready.”

A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ,

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Gaming Skills

I have recently discovered a puzzle game. It is pretty popular right now. You have to match 3 or more pieces of candy to get them to disappear off the board. There are different goals as you advance in levels in the game. I have noticed that while I am playing this game, if I don’t see a match for a minute or I have stopped to look up, 3 matching pieces will start flashing. This is the games way of helping me out by pointing me in the next right move.

I had to smile as I was thinking about this yesterday. It’s amazing how sometimes the silliest things come to me. I was thinking, how cool is it that when I be still, the right next move comes along. Not just a little either, it is flashing across the entire board and can’t be missed.

There is a scripture that teaches us to be still, it is one of my favorite…
 “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalms 46:10 KJV

In life, when we take the time to “be still”, God will often provide answers for us, and they will flash! We will KNOW it is God.
A Grateful Believer in Jesus Christ